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Cognitive Disorders


Cognitive disorders are mental disorders characterized by impaired cognitive abilities and daily functioning in which biological causation is either known or presumed. Cognitive disorders involve a disturbance in thinking or memory that represents a marked change from the individual’s prior level of functioning. Cure of cognitive disorders such as amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease is a big challenge to medical practitioners and researchers. Integrative medicine combines the best of conventional medication and treatment with non-conventional approaches, including nutritional, behavioral, and other nonpharmacological interventions. Given the limited efficacy and effect on the progression of AD from available pharmacotherapy, many patients, families, and practitioners look to adjunct or alternative treatments. Although limited information is available regarding specific numbers of patients with AD seeking such treatments, several studies note the use of alternative therapies among elderly in general reach 40-45% in the United States.
A thoughtful holistic approach to the patient with AD involves consideration of multiple dimensions. A recognition of the role and health of not only the identified patient but also the caregiver becomes important, especially as the disease progresses. In discussing an integrative approach, it is helpful to distinguish interventions during each of several stages of disease progression. Although the most robust evidence points to the value of integrative approaches in the preventive arena, there are emerging studies and evidence suggesting that integrative treatment of AD is useful at all stages. Dr. Sajjad’s core treatment strategy for tackling Cognitive disorders is by running a battery of diagnostic tests to get a clear understanding of the extent of the problem. The solution is based on diet, lifestyle, supplements, herbs, and medications – usually in that order. This program has no magic bullets and if that is what you are looking for, then look elsewhere. If you are ready to claim your mind back with a full spectrum, multi-faceted approach to your neurological health in specific and your overall health in general, then it’s time to book a consultation with Dr. Sajjad.


Womens Health Care, PC
113-11 Jamaica Ave.
Richmond Hill, NY 11418
Phone: 718-223-4962
Fax: 718-657-0512

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